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Part of me | part of this planet? 



『Part of me | part of this planet?』は、人にとって最も身近な共生生物の1つである常在菌にフォーカスし、人と常在菌との相互作用を引き起こすことを通して、自身と他の生物とが関わり影響し合う感覚を模索するプロジェクト。

人の体表・体内には大量の細菌が生きています。人の体の細胞が37 兆個なのに対し、常在菌の数は100 兆個以上とも言われます。彼らが人の体から食べ物や住処を得る一方で、私たちも彼らから恩恵を受けています。特に腸内細菌叢は、消化を助けるだけでなく免疫系統やホルモン生成に関わり、感情の発露にも影響しています。私たちはお互いの存在なしには生きられないほど密接に関わり合っています。





制作ツール:Arduino / DFPlayer / touchdesigner



※本作品は BioHack Academy 2022の成果作品として制作されました。

"Part of me | part of this planet?" is a project that focuses on the existence of resident microbiota, one of the most familiar symbiotic organisms to humans, and seeks a sense of relationship and influence between ourselves and other organisms by inducing interaction between humans and commensal bacteria.

A large number of bacteria live on and inside the human body. While the human body has 37 trillion cells, the number of indigenous bacteria is estimated to be over 100 trillion. While they get their food and shelter from the human body, we also benefit from them. In particular, the gut microflora not only helps the digestion, but is also involved in a person's immune system, hormone production, and affects emotional expression. We are so closely interrelated that we cannot live without each other.

If I die someday, they will have nowhere to go, so we will share life and death together. I can see us as a community of fate that can share my life more than anyone else. Therefore, I would like to feel their presence more strongly, and I would like to communicate with them in some way.

In some sake and miso breweries, it is customary to play classical music or sing traditional songs to stimulate fermentation. Inspired by this, I will use "sound" as a communication means in this work. I will ask them questions or advices about my (our) life and emotions using my own voice.

​※In this work, I adopted the K12 strain of E. coli (harmless strain), commonly used in research institutions, as a prototype.

This work was created as a result of BioHack Academy 2022.


Special Thanks


FabCafe Tokyo

Photograph: Georg Tremmel​

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