Part of me | part of this planet? project no.2
健やかなるときも、病めるときも、喜びのときも、悲しみのときも、富めるときも、貧しいときも—— あなたの生命が尽きる最後の時まで、どんなことがあっても、文字通りあなたと共に生きている生命体群がいます。
制作ツール:Arduino / pulse sensor / touchdesigner
In times of health, in times of sickness, in times of joy, in times of sorrow, in times of wealth, in times of poverty - there is a group of life forms that will literally live with you, no matter what, until the end of your life.
It is your own microbiome.
While there are 37 trillion cells in the human body, there are over 100 trillion indigenous bacteria. They live there because there is food available and they are comfortable, but we also benefit from them by digesting food that cannot be digested by human enzymes alone, by protecting our bodies from harmful bacteria, and by the inseparable symbiosis between humans and commensal bacteria. We also benefit from them.
"SYMBIOSIZER", the second work of the "Part of me | part of this planet?" project is a device that synthesizes sound and images in collaboration with such own your bacteria. The voltage generated by the living cultured bacteria determines the frequency, and the tempo of the sound is determined by one's own living (pulse).
Whenever you feel lonely, you may think that you are alone in the world, but in fact, you are together with many other living organisms. I conceived the idea of SYMBIOSIZER as a device that reminds you of the presence of bacterias that live with you.